Wednesday 6 March 2013

Words of advise...

Words of advise - Doing the right thing should always come natural. If you find yourself doubting your actions then you need to sit back - sum the whole situation - and ask yourself .... is this something you really want?

As I have already said I don't find it overly hard to make life decisions. I know that if someone asks me 'Where do you see yourself in 5 years time', then i probably wouldn't have answer. I take life as it comes but I can usually say yes and no to questions very well. If its the wrong decision I will do what I can to correct it.

Just remember, you shouldn't be afraid of what cannot hurt you! Making that decision may not be the best one - but you will learn. Jump in head first and feel what the water is like - then if its too cold - jump out.

I know this may sound stupid but you never know how something is going to plan out - until you say yes. In life, the only regrets you have are the risks you didn't take.



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