Friday 1 March 2013


I love tattoo's. I think they are beautiful! They can mean a lot to someone, they can have a hidden meaning, they can represent a loved one, someone you lost or just a rebellious moment in your life.

I have 5 tattoos and at the moment I do not regret any of them. I know a lot of people say 'Your will regret those tattoo's when you are older. What you going to do when it looks all wrinkley'. My reply is my tattoos will age with me and it makes it even more personal! We are the generation of old people that will have tattoo's and when we are old and our grandchildren see it they won't think any differently. Tattoo's are more accepted now than what they used to be. I still have plans to get a few more but it will all happen in due course.

My tattoos are - (In order)

1. Bow with L.P.D above it
I love bows, anyone that knows me will know I am obsessed with bows. So when I was 16 I got a tattoo of a bow on my wrist. Unfortunately I had a bad tattooist do this and it needed to be corrected. So when I got it corrected I had the initials L.P.D put above it. L.P.D stands for Lauren, Paige and Damon. Paige and Damon are my brother and sister and they mean a lot to me. I knew this was always going to be this first tattoo I would ever get done. My sister also has L.P.D on her wrist.

2. Small heart with LC by it
I got this out of impulse. I wanted another tattoo and was strapped for cash. I asked what is the cheapest tattoo and he pointed at that and I had my initials added onto it. Nothing special really.

3. Rosary beads
I love rosary beads. I am not religious but I have always wanted some around my ankle. So for my birthday my boyfriend treated me to this tattoo. This is one of my favourite tattoos!

4. Love is the movement
Me and my friend got a tattoo on the same day and I wasn't sure what I wanted and I saw this and just thought it was beautiful. I think that love does influence a lot of your actions. So this is why I had this tattoo done. It is along my thigh so only my partner will ever see it.

5. Arabic writing
This tattoo is very special to me. A long time ago before I even had any tattoos I knew I wanted a quote. I wanted something to represent me! Something that no one could takeaway from me! A friend's mum was looking for quotes and found this for me and it was written by someone on my birthday and as soon as I read it, I knew I had to have it tattooed. And 5 years after that moment, I had my tattoo done. I knew it must of meant a lot because I still remembered word for word what it was. I had this done in Arabic because I didn't want to explain to people what it meant to me. Not many people know what it means but I love it. Every time I look at it, it is a reminder to myself to stay strong and be who you are! I have this tattoo on my chest and I completely love it!

Below are picture of my tattoos

Love Lolly


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