Monday, 22 April 2013

Monday Blues..

I've titled this the Monday blues but, I am far from having the Monday blues.

I usually come into work on Monday and I have a massive feeling of pure depression! I hate Mondays but today, is an exception. Why you ask? I have no idea! I must of just woken on the right side of the bed. Maybe it has something to do with no directors being in a work and everyone is taken a more 'relaxed' approach to work, I don't know?

Why do we all hate Mondays? Start of the working week? The weekend is over and we have to wait another 5 days before we see the dear old weekend again? Just going to work and seeing the same old faces and having the same old problems?

Well today, Monday can kiss my a*$e! I am feeling positive and.. I like it! No more Monday blues - Every Monday I want to wake up like this! Ready to smash whatever tasks come hurdling my way!

So, I encourage you all to do the same! Break out of the Monday routine and BE HAPPY!!!

Love Lolly!!xx

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