Wednesday 3 April 2013

New Hair Extensions

I have finally had my hair extensions put in and I could not be happier with them! I love them! They feel so natural and I just feel better with them in!

I had Microbead Extensions put in. This is wear a small bead will be put threw a few strands of hair, about half a centimetre away from the root, and the extension will be placed inside the bead and then it will be all clamped together. Now depending on the thickness of your hair will depend on how many strands you will need. I have medium to thick hair so I had around 260 strands of 0.5g of hair in each strand. You can get different grams of hair. Depending on the thickness you could get less strands but higher grams or the other way round. I got my hair extensions from eBay. 300 strands cost me £50. I then had to purchase the beads, the loop tool and the clamp, for all 3 items they come to around £15. They take around 3-6 hours to put in, the length of time will also depend on the thickness of hair as well. The thinner the hair is, the quicker it will be.

I would always recommend that you get to a colour chart/wheel and get your exact colour instead of guessing online. The pictures can look completely different to the end product sometimes so I had mine matched.

I have put some pictures below of some before and after photos.

Overall I can say I am very pleased and I would suggest this to someone if they were thinking of getting it done

Hope you enjoy & let me know how you feel about microbead hair extensions

Love Lolly


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