Thursday, 28 February 2013


So some of my friends have told me that I give great advise and that I should be a counsellor for a profession. Whatever the problem, I will sit, listen, be a shoulder to cry on and give you some honest advice! Not matter how much you may not want to here it.

I find myself tonight talking to my sister about life choices. She is 19 and currently on her last year of college and works part time. She is leaving college in the summer and where she works, want her to work full time. She is still unsure if she is going to go to uni and is thinking about taking a gap year but still wants to work part time.

Now I am a great believer in giving people advise but I will always mention that I can keep giving you advise but you are the only person who can follow it though. You can tell ANYONE to do something but at the end of the day, they are the only person who is going to PHYSICALLY do it.

Now me and my sister have had this conversation before but yet I find myself telling her the same thing. Unfortunately for her she is looking for someone to TELL her what to do, and this is not in my nature. I will always give someone my opinion but it will always be their choice.

This is where me and my sister are completely different. She is quite and shy and likes things she knows. Where I love to try news things and something unknown somewhat excites me.

My question is really, how do you deal with everyday life decision?

I can say that I find most life decision quite simple. I know what I want in life and I will always do my research to find how to get it. If I don't want to do something or it is making me unhappy then I will do something to change it. My decisions may not always be correct but I will grow wiser from every bad choice I have made.Where as my sister would rather wait for it too land on her lap and not learn from her mistakes! I'm not trying to patronise her but I just wish she would believe in herself and take the plunge into the sea! Its a big world out their and I don't think she realises the possibilities.

This is a blog to my sister and anyone else who feels they cannot make life decisions, that their is someone in this world going through the same thing and you should never be afraid of something that cannot hurt you. Making a decision of what uni to go to or weather to work full time are the simple questions you will stumble upon in life, you will come across harder questions. So always be prepared for the unexpected.

Basically, don't be afraid and be proud of yourself and the decisions you make no matter what anyone thinks.

Love Lolly xx

In the end....

So in the end I can say that tonight was average!
I am ashamed of how many people from my school didn't come! I really thought that a few more people would of come but a thank you too the people that did!
I don't think anyone will be in a rush again to do a 'school reunion' again.
Nothing to report - Overall an average night!


So me, Paige and Tammie are currently at the Whitehouse as tonight a few old school friends are meant to be coming down for a little get together.

At the moment we are the only people here and have ordered food!

I don't think many people will turn up but hey... I will have a burger! HA!

Loves Lolly


Getting there

Ok so with a little help from my friend last night, I am slowly getting used to blogger. I have a new design and (if I do say so myself) its looks beautiful! Very girly!
Hopefully I will be doing a blog soon about 'the dress' and a new nail product I purchased yesterday.
Love Lolly

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Two Cliffords Togeher = Trouble!

I started school many years ago and after a few days I met my friend Paige Clifford. We have been friends for many years now and when we get together, its nothing but antics! We are always up to no good, chatting and giggling.
Today was no acceptation! Me and Paige went to the Harvester and had a nice civilised meal - Or civilised to our standard. A lot of gossip and reminiscing about the 'good old days'.
Driving around the area, looking at a future flat. Bumping into some STRANGE situations.
Just a short blog to show the world, we are all a little bit strange!
Loves Lolly

The blogging continues!

I now have blogger on my phone!

This is open to a lot of antics and I may be using this a lot more than I may have anticipated!

I plan to do some reviews on some new nail varnishes and explain the story of 'the dress'!!

New Blogger!

Now for a while I have been thinking of creating a YouTube channel and start it off by doing makeup tutorials and nail varnish reviews but have never got round to doing it.
Now the time has come to ease my way into the world of the Internet with one little blog.
I don't know how long I will follow it through or if it will be anything interesting but I will try my best!
Be Kind Internet !